Here we share video productions produced by our parent organization REEL FATHERS.


Media Works

Fathers in Focus 1 and 2

Fathers in Focus 1 and 2 capture the intensity of public performances capping freshman intensives at Capital High School for the program Identity in Ink we continue to offer.

Fathers in Focus I

Performed as a spoken word competition at the youth media center Warehouse 21 for family and community members.

Fathers in Focus II

Performed at the Lensic Performing Arts Center in partnership with Santa Fe Public Schools.

REEL FATHERS Real Families

Original video works produced by freshmen in a joint intensive at Capital and Pecos High Schools. The Runner was selected by the Santa Fe Film Festival.

The Runner
The Letter
Three Fathers
Prom Story
Reel Fathers Uncut

The Runner

The Letter

Three Fathers

Prom Story

Reel Fathers Uncut

Fathers and Youth

While our focus is now on youth, the history we carry from REEL FATHERS gives us a special awareness of how important father/family relationships are to youth well-being.

Roberto Aponte and Family

A video portraying how two divorced parents create the experience of family with their son. Directed by Selim Sandoval.

Fatherhood is Sacred

An elegiac commentary on fatherhood as the filmmaker plants a tree with his young daughter. Directed by Selim Sandoval.