Our original program immerses
youth in reflective inquiry and creative expression framed by
three core questions.
Identity in Ink

Our program Identity in Ink engages youth in a dynamic inquiry around issues of personal importance. It invites youth to turn their attention inward to think about who they are as an individual and what they want their life to be. It uses vivid art works to inspire reflection, dialogue, personal insight, and aspiration. The inquiry culminates in youth expressing themselves creatively, instilling new understanding with the sense of well-being that comes with accomplishment.
We serve students in grades 5-12 in English and Art classes, Service Learning programs, and English Language Learner (ELL) classes. Each intensive is framed by 3 core questions:
Where do I come from?
Where am I going?
What is a good life?
Poet and artist mentors create a safe, courageous space for youth to consider the forces that have shaped them -- family, culture, opportunities, barriers, their own choices. Mentors invite youth to turn their imagination to the future...to a dream or aspiration. What does it look and feel like? What makes life good for them?
The core of the program – what sets it apart from many forms of social emotional learning – is youth channel their insights and emotions into creative works. These can be expressive writing, art images, or some combination of the two. Students may share their work with their peers, mentor, teacher. Often there is a school-wide or community exhibition, intensifying the impact.
Youth tap creative energies and build authentic voice. They imagine the future they want for themselves and gain fresh impetus to work toward it. For students who confront painful relationships or difficult barriers, the process can be cathartic. Others gain newfound gratitude for their family and culture, or newfound appreciation for their own strengths and abilities.
The overall goal of Identity in Ink is for youth to build resilience. We measure this quality of character by four indicators: Self-awareness, Self-efficacy, Empathy, and Courageous Communication. Identity in Ink calls for -- and strengthens -- each of these traits.

The overall goal of Identity in Ink is for youth to build resilience. We measure this quality of character by four indicators: Self-awareness, Self-efficacy, Empathy and Courageous Communication.

YouthExpress NM
6 Torneo Court
Santa Fe, NM 87508
505-466-2295 (office)
505-920-7441 (mobile)