Engaging Youth

socially, emotionally, creatively

young woman is reading something she has written, very personal
young woman is reading something she has written, very personal

We are YouthExpress NM – a community-based organization in Santa Fe, New Mexico offering innovative programs that meet the urgent need to support youth in personally meaningful ways.


Identity in Ink

Provides a dynamic approach to social emotional learning (SEL).

Campfire Movie Night

Uses the catalytic power of story...

Reason for Being

Reveals the critical need we meet.

Theory of Change

Makes clear why our programs are so effective

4 Boys

Affirms, inspires, and empowers Boys grades 4–8.

Programs Photo Gallery

Enjoy our photo gallery of scenes capturing the activity, spirit, and impact of our programs.

Artwork Gallery

Enjoy artworks that reveal the creative talents in youth as they explore issues of identity and community.


We raise our complete budget each year.
You can make a difference.
Here’s how you can help.

We Need Your Support

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We promise communications from time to time that provide insightful content as well as news about our latest programs.